At Birth
- BCG - OPV0- Hepatitis B1
6 weeks
- OPV1 * / OPV1 + IPV1 - DTwP1 / DTaP1 - HIB1- Hepatitis B2- Pneumococal Conjugate Vaccine1- Rotavirus1
10 weeks
- OPV2 / OPV2 + IPV2 - DTwP2 / DTaP2 - HIB2- Pneumococal Conjugate Vaccine2- Rotavirus2
14 weeks
- OPV3 / OPV3 + IPV3 - DTwP3 / DTaP3 - HIB3- Hepatitis B3- Pneumococal Conjugate Vaccine3
9 Months
- Measles
15 months to 18 months
- OPV4 / OPV4 + IPV5 - DTwP1B1 / DTaP1 - HIB B1- MMR1- Pneumococal Conjugate Vaccine B4
15 months of age
- Varicella #
18 months of age
- Hepatitis A^
2 Years
- Typhoid
5 Years
- OPV5- DTwP1B2 / DTaPB2- MMR2
10 Years
- Tdap / Td5- HPV